Making Home a Place of Peace

| December 2, 2010 | 0 Comments
Nason Home- Red front door

A red door invites energy into a home.

To find harmony at home, begin by imagining what inspires you. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize a place in your life that made you feel calm and at ease. Perhaps it was a grandparent’s inviting abode, or maybe a favorite spot in the outdoors. If you first make your place welcoming to all, that energy will come back to you.

Creating an Entrance

Set a welcome mat or greeter at your front door. Find a statue that evokes cheerfulness or peace. The entrance should be bright and uncluttered so positive energy can easily pass through and circulate into the rest of the house. At my home, we have a stone statue of a dragon we got on our travels to Indonesia. When I walk through my front door, it brings to mind the warmth of the Balinese people.

Consider painting your door a bright red (or another bright color), a symbol of energy, to bring that life force into the home. The sound of water can be refreshing and cleansing. Put a fountain at your entrance, unless a fireplace is nearby. Water and hearth should always be separated or one will negate the other.

Finding Inspiration

Surround your home with objects that inspire you. This could be a beautiful piece of art, a gift from a family member, an image of someone or something that opens your heart. Display treasured photos, books and unique collectibles to ignite engaging conversations about your passions and interests. Bring nature’s colors indoors. A natural palette provides depth and space in relation to the outdoors. A red tulip, the green forest, the infinite blue ocean or a yellow iris may all be of inspiration. Integrating the outdoors inside is necessary to an organic style.

Have you ever seen nature out of perfect harmony? Follow her steps; let her be your teacher. Place a few pinecones on the tabletop. This will remind you how close you are to beauty.

Clearing the Clutter

Allow your space to be clean and clear from clutter, as nature is. Asking yourself the right questions (and answering those honestly) will help you decide if each item is encouraging good feng shui or counteracting it. Many times your first instinct is the right one.

Your goal is to keep only those items that support a vibrant, harmonious and successful life. Do I love it? Do I use it? Do I need it? Does it evoke a positive feeling and make me smile? Finally, and most importantly, create a quiet place to be alone—a special spot where you will feel comfortable just being with yourself. By Cathy Nason. TQ

Category: Home & Garden, Home Design

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