Olympics 2014: Follow Them!

Tahoe-based Olympic snowboarders Karly Shorr (right) and Jamie Anderson (Left) tweeted out this picture Monday on a tour of Sochi’s Olympic Village.
The Tahoe/Truckee/Reno region sent 15 athletes to the Sochi Winter Games, which open Friday in Russia! Follow your favorite athletes on their social media accounts as they post and tweet out updates and pics from the Games!
Jamie Anderson Facebook @Jme_Anderson
Maddie Bowman Facebook @maddiebowman
Stacey Cook Facebook @staceycookUSA
Danny Davis Facebook @theDDeadshow
Travis Ganong @TravisGanong
Chas Guldemond Facebook @ChasGuldemond
Nate Holland Facebook @N8Holland
Julia Mancuso Facebook @JuliaMancuso
Karly Shorr @KarlyShorr
Brita Sigourney Facebook @britasig
Marco Sullivan Facebook @marcOsullivan
Hannah Teter Facebook @hannahteter
Shaun White Facebook @shaun_white
David Wise Facebook @mrDavidWise